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萨拉·韦伯 seated at a desk, smiling at the camera.

萨拉•韦伯 Senior Director for First Year Advising Center, gets real about fitting in fitness.


对于许多走上健康之路的人来说,通常有一些巨大的动力让他们坚持下去. 但对莎拉·韦伯来说,她所做的大部分事情都来自自律,而不是动力.

Her physical health journey began when she started running in college. 当她有了孩子后,她发现很难继续走这条路,直到贝基·刘易斯, Associate Director of Programs and Administration for Rec Well, introduced her to Beachbody. 她现在甚至还在使用它——现在只是叫它BODi——但如果没有她的自律和日常习惯,会更难.

“This is just what I do. So there isn't an excuse or a reason not to, it's like my alarm goes off at five I get up and I do it,韦伯说. “所以纪律是保持这种习惯的一个非常重要的部分. 因为如果这是关于动力,我早就停止了.”

For Webb, this routine includes getting up at 5 a.m. Monday through Friday to workout and then walking on the weekends. 在家锻炼, she uses the BODi app which includes a mix of cardio, strength training and yoga.

对韦伯来说,在家锻炼的一大好处是减少分心,每天5点起床.m. simply because no one else is up. 她能够完成锻炼后继续一天的工作, which she keeps separate from her home life.

家就是家. I really try to break down that barrier. When I leave the office, it stays in the office and it'll wait for tomorrow when I come back,韦伯说.


在工作中,韦伯与同事和部门文化相处得很好,这确实有所帮助. 团队团结在一起,互相支持,关心他们所做的工作, and while home is separate she says it does feel like home too.

罗伯特•王 seated at a desk, looking at the camera.

罗伯特·金,大学住房主任,健康之旅有起有落. Make sure to have some fun along the way. 


罗伯特·金已经意识到健康之旅充满了起起落落. He has always been a physically active person; football being one way he enjoyed getting physical activity during college. 他的健康之旅在马拉松训练和被诊断出患有2型糖尿病后发生了变化. Despite a family history of the disease, he never thought much of it and went through his life as normal. Since then his definition of the term wellness has adapted, 他现在积极主动,而不是被动反应,并调整了自己的健康生活方式,以对抗疾病. 他没有让诊断决定他的生活,而是专注于保持活跃,在世界的各个方面都很好.

他喜欢通过徒步旅行和散步来保持活跃,尤其是在与这个家庭联系的时候. King says he is almost always moving, 充分利用娱乐中心的免费设施,通过步行欣赏校园的风景和声音.

他继续保持健康生活方式的最大动力之一是他的家庭. 金通过他的家人看到了保持活跃和参加体育运动是如何有助于长寿的.

“I remember my granddad, 68岁, when I was in the height of my college football playing days, could get out and he could run with us,他回忆道。. “Just always having folks around. 当我年轻的时候, on Sundays after church, my family would go to this big park and we played softball together. We played basketball together. Being active was a huge part of it.”

金计划一周的活动,他的目标是在计划的时候有一点“自己”的时间, 希望在工作和生活之间创造一个更好的过渡,脚踏实地,与自己的思想和信仰保持联系,以此来激发自己的精神.

男子飞碟双多向冠军和亚军Miceli standing outside, smiling at the camera.

男子飞碟双多向冠军和亚军Miceli, Web Architect, Communications & Marketing, from a Couch to 5k program to completing over 10 marathons.


While she may have always been an active person, 在大学期间,劳伦·米塞利(男子飞碟双多向冠军和亚军Miceli)养成了一个伴随她一生的爱好:跑步. 从大学开始的一个从沙发到5公里的项目到现在已经变成了10多个马拉松.

She’s currently training for the Chicago Marathon, 她的健身计划包括每周六天跑步,外加一次长跑(大约21到22英里)。. The goal wasn’t always to run marathons, as Miceli initially started running to lose weight in college.

“I remember the first time I ran an hour I was so excited. 就在跑道上,我绕着圈子跑了一个小时,但我记得我打电话给我妈妈,米塞利回忆道. “我很高兴,然后我开始考虑比赛,我参加的第一个比赛只是5公里,没有计时什么的.”



“A big part of why I continue to exercise is to manage stress. Running, in particular, has always helped me to relieve stress. 它也可以用来冥想,让我清醒头脑。”她补充道.

对米塞利来说,跑步的部分乐趣在于她能够与人交往,与她认识的人一起跑步. 在COVID-19, 大多数团体跑步都被取消了,很难保持动力,所以米塞利自己动手为她和她的朋友们创建了自己的比赛.

她说:“我一直想用英里数来庆祝我的生日,现在是时候这么做了。. “这给了我训练的动力,这样我就不会因为所有事情都被取消而失望了.”

Nowadays she runs right on campus the days she is here, but her favorite is the dirt roads close to where she lives.

哈利勒罗伊 standing by a plant, smiling at the camera.

哈利勒罗伊, Pre-Med Student, self reflection is key


对于医学院预科生哈利勒·罗伊来说,两件最重要的事情是他的精神和身体健康. 通过ECLIPSE(合作领导与跨专业教育探索)和男子排球俱乐部等俱乐部, he is able to regularly work on these areas of his well-being. 他从大一开始就加入ECLIPSE,从大二开始打排球.

When it comes to his physical health, 罗伊的主要动力之一是未来,希望在以后的生活中能够移动和活跃. 他亲眼目睹了亲人在年老时失去行动能力是多么困难,这就是为什么现在有必要正确饮食和积极锻炼.

When it comes to his mental health, 罗伊整周都在通过自我反省和写日记来练习正念,并强调一致性. 罗伊所做的最重要的事情之一就是承认自己的低谷,并把它们当作垫脚石,去实现他为自己设定的伟大目标.

“Recently I started therapy, 只是为了喜欢, try to unpack some things that happened in the past,他说. “It wasn't what I thought it would be. 但我还是去了,这很好……我对很多事情都有一种扭曲的心态.”